White Light Animation Screenplays

Seeking Management/Production



'A Fox-Spirit enters a mystical Sumo tournament to win a human form, so he can pursue a girl he loves in the physical world.'


Masato (Spirit form)

Age:  8     Born:  Spirit World

Masato is a young Fox-Spirit, in the Spirit World. By chance or by destiny, he witnesses a rare occurence when FATHER, using the WHITE LIGHT, opens a mystical GATE connecting the Physical World to the Spiritual World. Masato enters, and meets XIU LI. Together they share a powerful vision of their future, as married Humans. But ‘world-hopping’ is not so simple. Xiu Li’s FATHER and MOTHER die in a terrible fire, leaving Xiu Li oprhaned at age 9, and Masato is forced back. Masato swears to learn by any means necessary how to ‘world-hop’ and gain a human body to find her again.

Masato (Human form)

Age:  8     Born:  Spirit World

Masato is a young Fox-Spirit, in the Spirit World. By chance or by destiny, he witnesses a rare occurence when FATHER, using the WHITE LIGHT, opens a mystical GATE connecting the Physical World to the Spiritual World. Masato enters, and meets XIU LI. Together they share a powerful vision of their future, as married Humans. But ‘world-hopping’ is not so simple. Xiu Li’s FATHER and MOTHER die in a terrible fire, leaving Xiu Li oprhaned at age 9, and Masato is forced back. Masato swears to learn by any means necessary how to ‘world-hop’ and gain a human body to find her again.

Fox Brethren (Spirit form)

Age:  24     Born:  Japan

Fox Brethren is also a Fox-Spirit in the Spirit World, though older and much bigger than Masato. He is happy with the playful forest life of a Fox-Spirit, living carefree and easy. When he learns that Masato has been ‘world-hopping’, he decides to take him under his wing and help him. He introduces Masato to FROG, who has some tricks they can try. When he learns that Masato is motivated by True Love however, he becomes much more serious about it. Fox Brethren does not reveal that he was once a HUMAN, and is still grieving the loss of his WIFE, a lifetime ago.

Fox Brethren (Human form)

Age:  24     Born:  Japan

Fox Brethren is also a Fox-Spirit in the Spirit World, though older and much bigger than Masato. He is happy with the playful forest life of a Fox-Spirit, living carefree and easy. When he learns that Masato has been ‘world-hopping’, he decides to take him under his wing and help him. He introduces Masato to FROG, who has some tricks they can try. When he learns that Masato is motivated by True Love however, he becomes much more serious about it. Fox Brethren does not reveal that he was once a HUMAN, and is still grieving the loss of his WIFE, a lifetime ago.

Frog (Spirit form)

Age:  Unknown     Born:  Unknown

Frog is a Frog-Spirit in the Spirit World, fat and happy, his age impossible to guess. He has his own secret SHINTO SHRINE underneath a swamp, where he collects ‘world-hopping’ MASKS and tricks. He has extensive experience in the Physical World, even becoming a SUMO Champion! When Fox Brethren brings Masato to him claiming True Love, he cannot resist but to do all he can to help Masato. He does not reveal until the end that he has his own True Love, and is believes without a doubt that their destinies will someday bring them together again.

Frog (Human form)

Age:  Unknown     Born:  Unknown

Frog is a Frog-Spirit in the Spirit World, fat and happy, his age impossible to guess. He has his own secret SHINTO SHRINE underneath a swamp, where he collects ‘world-hopping’ MASKS and tricks. He has extensive experience in the Physical World, even becoming a SUMO Champion! When Fox Brethren brings Masato to him claiming True Love, he cannot resist but to do all he can to help Masato. He does not reveal until the end that he has his own True Love, and is believes without a doubt that their destinies will someday bring them together again.

Xiu Li

Age: 9      Born: Japan

Xiu Li, named after her Chinese Grandmother, is a happy child with an idyllic life in the mountains of Japan. She helps her MOTHER make pottery, and goes for long hikes with her FATHER. One day on a hike with Father, she encounters an unusual FOX, and together they share a powerful vision of their future together as a married Human couple. When her parents are killed however in a tragic fire, Xiu Li is orphaned at only age 9.


Age: 31       Born:  Japan

Father is a survivor of the decimation of Japan after WWII. Despite the horrors, good fortune came upon him when he met MOTHER amongst the rubble, and they fell in love. He built a home for them in the mountains, and continued to train in Japanese martial arts. Mother took up the art of pottery, and they had a daughter, XIU LI. Life was so great that Father began to discover the WHITE LIGHT. One day, his understanding of the White Light unwittingly opens a magical GATE, connecting the Physical World to the Spirit World.


Age:  30       Born:  Japan

Mother is also a survivor of WWII Allied bombings. She fell instantly in love with FATHER amongst the rubble, and they soon married. With a humble home in the mountains, a small pottery studio near a river, and a new beautiful daughter, XIU LI, Mother was happy and content. She is aware of Father’s discovery of the WHITE LIGHT, and does her very best out of love to help him follow it.